August has arrived and so has MORE hot and steamy weather in Charleston!
This is what happened when I stepped outside to take a picture of Maddie playing in the baby pool... excuse the nakedness - Daddy had her! :)
Well here we are and we have now settled back into our usual routine. The beginning of August brought lots more hot and humid weather - but thank goodness for the pools and splash waterparks! These are so great. It also brought Nana, Pops and Mary Kyle for a visit. Nana and Pops were only here for a short while, but Aunt Mary Kyle (aka.. Ka-Ka) has been with us now for the past two weeks. I have to say that Maddie just adores her and it has been really nice to have her here. It is also nice for Maddie to have a friend that is here 24-7 and lives just right upstairs (at least that is what my precious 2 year old believes). Ha!
Griffin likes her too :) She is so great with the kids - so Thanks for all the extra love and care you have given to our kids these past two weeks! We will miss you.We are going to Birmingham this coming weekend for one of Cole's fraternity brother's wedding. Very excited to see some of our friends that we have not seen in years- some since our wedding in 2005! Here are some fun pictures that we were able to capture with Nana, Pops and Aunt Mary Kyle.
Being Silly with the Puppies
LOVE IT katy! they are too cute :)
Birmingham, WOO HOO!! Weddings are busy, but if you have some down time LET US KNOW!!!!
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